WATL Fall Axe Throwing League

Tags: things to do, things to do downtown, things to do downtown peoria, axe throwing, gone social, world axe throwing league 09/20/23 06:30PM - 08:00PM

Wednesdays starting Sept 20th – Nov 8th (see times below by discipline)

NEW! League PREVIEW NIGHT – Wednesday, September 13th from 6:30p -7:30p

Preview Night is for all who are interested in League but want to learn more before committing. We will cover how leagues run, WATL rules, and provide some instruction with a practice match or two! Light appetizers provided. 

Standard Hatchet - 6:30p
Duals - 5:30p

For more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/263654629886414

Location: Peoria River Front Association