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Session with the Setters
Session with the Setters

Ever wanted to know more about routesetting?
Join the First Ascent Peoria routesetting team on the 2nd Monday of every month for some climbing, learn about the setting process, and get a chance to give us some in-person feedback on the setting!
Free for FA members. Regular Day Pass rates apply for non-members.
For more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/595587601905092/595587615238424
Trivia Tuesday at Jack\'s on Adams
Trivia Tuesday at Jack\'s on Adams
It's Tuesday and you know what that means..TRIVIA TIME . A great excuse to stop in for dinner & drinks and maybe even win a $
Legally Blonde (Touring)
Legally Blonde (Touring)

OMG you guys!!! Legally Blonde - The Musical is coming to Peoria!
Fabulously fun and international award-winning Legally Blonde - The Musical is the ultimate Broadway tribute to Girl Power! The story follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes, sexism, snobbery and scandal in pursuit of her dreams, and proves that you can be legally blonde and STILL the smartest person in the room. This contemporary, sassy musical moves at a breakneck pace driven by memorable songs and explosive dances. Legally Blonde - The Musicalwarms the heart by proving that self-discovery can be way too much fun and hilarious to boot.
Elle Woods appears to have it all. Her life is turned upside down, however, when her boyfriend dumps her so he can start getting more serious about his life and attend Harvard Law. Determined to get him back, Elle uses her ingenuity and charm to get into Harvard too. School begins with endless struggles, but with the help of her new friends, Elle quickly realizes her potential, and her true assets, as she sets out to prove herself to the world and make everyone a believer.
Based on the beloved movie, Legally Blonde - The Musical will take you from the sorority house to the halls of justice with Broadway’s brightest new heroine and, of course, her Chihuahua, Bruiser.
For tickets: https://www.peoriaciviccenter.com/events/2023/legally-blonde---the-musical
Legally Blonde (Touring)
Legally Blonde (Touring)

OMG you guys!!! Legally Blonde - The Musical is coming to Peoria!
Fabulously fun and international award-winning Legally Blonde - The Musical is the ultimate Broadway tribute to Girl Power! The story follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes, sexism, snobbery and scandal in pursuit of her dreams, and proves that you can be legally blonde and STILL the smartest person in the room. This contemporary, sassy musical moves at a breakneck pace driven by memorable songs and explosive dances. Legally Blonde - The Musicalwarms the heart by proving that self-discovery can be way too much fun and hilarious to boot.
Elle Woods appears to have it all. Her life is turned upside down, however, when her boyfriend dumps her so he can start getting more serious about his life and attend Harvard Law. Determined to get him back, Elle uses her ingenuity and charm to get into Harvard too. School begins with endless struggles, but with the help of her new friends, Elle quickly realizes her potential, and her true assets, as she sets out to prove herself to the world and make everyone a believer.
Based on the beloved movie, Legally Blonde - The Musical will take you from the sorority house to the halls of justice with Broadway’s brightest new heroine and, of course, her Chihuahua, Bruiser.
For tickets: https://www.peoriaciviccenter.com/events/2023/legally-blonde---the-musical
Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry
Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry
Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry
Thursday, March 16 ~ 8:00 - 10:00 pm
When checking in at the door, be prepared to share your table and seat number.
Tickets in Advance Online: $5-members, $8-nonmembers, $3-poets + fees (till 6pm day of event)
If an event is not sold out, tickets will also be sold at the door.
Tickets at the door*: $9-members, $12-nonmembers, $5-poets
(*No money will be taken at the door unless we don’t reach our max capacity)
*Please Note that purchasing a Poet Ticket is a commitment to share your poetry on stage. If you don't plan to read, then don't purchase a poet level ticket.
Water and Pop for $1.00 is offered at the bar.
Attendees may bring their own food and drink or bring in food and drink from the Rhythm Kitchen.
Featured Poet: Aubrey Barnes - Aubs
Rock Island native, “Aubs.”, is a spoken word artist, author, battle rapper, emcee, and educator and cohost of Black Thoughts Podcast. Aubs. is also director of a nonprofit “Young Lions Roar”; which teaches students the art of spoken word poetry, from the Midwest to schools outside the country such as Haiti. His recent poetry book "It is Good, It is Written", has been acclaimed nationally.
For tickets: Tickets309tix.com/events/whisper-shout-open-mic-for-poetry-3-16-2023
Jack\'s St. Patrick\'s Day Bash!!
Jack\'s St. Patrick\'s Day Bash!!

Let The Shenanigans Begin We are going big for our FIRST EVER St. Patrick's Day BASH!! Open at 9AM
LIVE MUSIC: Easy Riders performing 1pm - 5pm
FOOD: Serving Breakfast Burritos and Corned Beef Cubans
BEER GARDEN: Get Your Front Row Parade Seats
Counting down the days until the party!
For more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/6022507807806640
St Patrick\'s Salsa at CAC
St Patrick\'s Salsa at CAC

St. Patrick's Salsa at CAC
Friday, March 17, 2023
Dress up and compete for prizes!
$8.00 nonmembers
$5.00 CAC Members
Mask wearing or proof of vaccination is no longer required at this event.
Introductory Dance Lesson
8:30-9:30 pm
Learn the basics of several Latin Dances by Jon Young
Open dancing
To the music by Jon Young
No partner is required. Mostly Salsa music is played but also Cha Cha, Bachata, Merengue, Tango, Reggaeton, R&B, Cumbia and Latin styled pop and R&B also. Bring your own food and drink or order take out from the Rhythm Kitchen. Pop, water and ice for sale on the floor for $1.00
William Butler
305 SW Water Street, Peoria, IL 61602 • 309-674-6822 • cac@peoriacac.org • www.peoriacac.org
Combined Art Reception
Combined Art Reception

Combined Reception: Saturday, March 18, 6:30-8:30
free admission, donation requested. Meet the exhibiting artists and view their artwork in three galleries.
featuring music by Natronicus, (aka, Nathan Parks) of Bloomington, who will perform on piano a mix of classical and improvisational works.
Besides regular business hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11-5:00, we are open until 9:00pm during the following events (1st Friday, Live at the Five Spot). The Contemporary Art Center is located at 305 SW Water Street, Peoria, IL 61602. Call or text 309-674-6822 or contact us with questions for more information.
Art exhibits may also be viewed for no admission Tuesday-Saturday 11-5:00 and during some evening events with admission. The public is invited to these open house style events, featuring the exhibits described above. Complimentary food and drink will be offered.
Artists of Manneken Press
February 24-April 14, 2023
Preston Jackson Gallery
Jonathan Higgins and Sarah Smelser’s Manneken Press in Bloomington invites significant contemporary artists to collaborate with master printmaker Higgins to create original works in intaglio, relief, lithography and monotype. The prints are sold in galleries, museums and high-end art fairs in major cities. This exhibit includes 15 of the 30 artists they represent.
clockwise from upper left: Brian Cypher, Matt Magee, Catherine Howe, Richard Hull, Jill Moser, Philip Van Keuren, Jack Davidson, Judy Ledgerwood, Kate Petley, Mary Judge.
Hattie Lee: Joy Intwined
February 24-April 7, 2023
Gallery 3R
While a member of the Cherokee Nation diaspora, Hattie Lee also recognizes she is a collage of cultures. Just as families and societies are shaped by each generation, she collages into her work metaphorical and physical materials from ancestors and personal experience. Injecting joy while bridging cultural and generational differences creates hope for tribes, countries and personal communities.
For more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1303033000427645